Mutta sitten tuli aika kylmää suihkua ajatuksille, ideoille - luin Framen vaateet näyttelyidealta, ehdotukselta; tulee olla kansainvälisiä näyttelyitä koonnut, ansiotunut kuraattori, valittujen taiteiljoiden samoin. Pitää olla mielellään maailmoja syleilevä näyttelykonsepti, joka luotaa, ottaa huomion Suomen 100 vuotisjuhlaa ja kuroo yhteen niitä suuria ilmiöitä,tapahtumia.
Kokoaa yhteenvedon taiteelliseksi kokonaisuudeksi tai pohtii Suomen tapahtumia ja niiden ilmentymiä, vaikutuksia maailman tapahtumiin heijastaen- idoiden oheistoimintoja.
Taiteilija tai taiteilijat tuli esitellä portfolioin ja heiltä vaadittiin myös korkeaa tasoa. Täytin rimaa hipoen nuo kuraattorin / taiteelliset vaatimukset -halusin tuoda esiin omia ajatuksiani ja kuvataiteilijoita, jotka minusta olisivat mielenkiintoisia esitellä Venetsiassa - todella aloin sitten kiukustua kun huomasin ,että ei taida olla juuri ketään Suomessa toimivaa kuraattria , joka täyttää nuo kovat vaatimukset -. Sitten aloin pohtia ,että mikä oli tämän vapaan ehdotusten tarjonnan idea oikeastaa- haluttiinko luoda illuusio läpinäkyvästä toiminnasta ja antaa avoin ,myönteinen kuva ulospäin?
Yhtä kaikki jätin ehdotuksen tietäen ,että eteenpäin ei mene.
Ihmettelin jyryn henkilöluvun määrää jua sitä kuinka ei oikeastaan ollut ulkopuolista näkökulmaa kuitenkaan tarpeeksi?Ja niinpä sylttytehdas paljastui, Kiasma on lupautunut yhteistyökumppaniksi tänäkin vuonna - Mutta eikö se kuuluu ihan ilman muuta Kiasman tehtäviin - ihmettelen myös miksi mitään tietoa - muuta kuin lukumäärä -ei annettu biennale-ehdotuksista- olisi hyvä jos julkistettaiisiin ehdotuksia -pääpiirteittäin ideoita ja ajatuksia -siinä olisi jo yksi Kiasma-seminaari ennen biennalea 2017 Mahtuuko meillä useita totuuksia kuvataiteesta /nykytaiteesta ja ketä rahoitetaan ja millä perusteella toinen idea on parempi kuin toinen.
Olen osallistunut ja tässä alla ehdotukseni - piti olla englannin kielinen ehdotus- ja huom taiteilijaehdotukset ovat minun -en ollut tässä vaiheessa yhteydessä taiteilijoihin -
Päätelkää itse kuinka hyvä näyttelyidea olisi ollut - ja oikeasti kuinka monta vaatimukset täyttävää kuraattoria voi tarjota noilla ehdoilla ideoita biennaleen. Tietenkin oletin ,että kuraattori esittelee loistavan idean ja sitä aletaan työryhmissä työstämään -vai pitikö kuraattorin vastata myös rahoituksesta?
Ja vielä valitsijoissa /jyryssä olisi voinut olla uudempiakin kasvoja -riipumattomampia- nyt kuvataiteen näyttelyvalinnnat /taiteilijavalinnat keskittyvät aika pahasti Suomessa- meillä on potentiaalia vaihteluunkin ?
Tuossa alla alussa vastaus minulle ja kiitokset osallistumisesta- tässä vaiheessa ei kerrottu ketkä pääsivät jatkoon - ehdotuksia oli paljon - olisi hyvä tietää niiden laatu?
Ja hieman yleistä infoa sisällöistä. Vielä tietty ehtii. Nyt on ilmoittautunut Kiasma yhteistyöhön -enempää emme tiedä.
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Dear curator -
Thank you very much for your proposal for the exhibition for the Pavilion of Finland at the Venice Biennale in 2017.
We received 96 proposals. In each of the proposals curators and artists had developed interesting concepts in response to the given framework from a wide variety of perspectives and in a range of artistic media.
The jury convened in Helsinki last week to deliberate on the proposals and to select a shortlist of projects that will be developed further. This letter is to inform you that your proposal has not been shortlisted.
We will not publicise the shortlist of curators and artists. The curator and artist(s) for the exhibition in the Pavilion of Finland at the Venice Biennale will be made public in May.
Yours sincerely
Ms Raija Koli
Director | Johtaja
Frame Visual Art Finland
Ratakatu 1 b A 9
Ratakatu 1 b A 9
This was my great idea , Project proposal to the Venice Biennale
Born in Finland –installation, performance Project proposal to the Pavilion of Finland at the Venice Biennale 2017
Artists ( I have not been in contact any of the artists yet, I`ll do that when jury makes a decision of who are going further to next level so there can be changes on the list of artist during the process)
Artists Tero Karttunen Company, Filmdirector ,visual artist Mika Taanila, Radio Symphony orchestra with dirigent Hannu Lintu with music composed by Jean Sibelius, photographers Ari Jaskari, Jaakko Heikkilä, Risto Vuorimies, Taneli Eskola, Veli Granö, Marja Helander, Aimo Hyvärinen, Ulla Jokisalo, Ritva Kovalainen, Raakel Kuukka, Seppo Renvall , Markus Renvall, Stefan Bremer
Curator visual artist Marja Kolu
Curatorial statement
Religion is gaining more and more power in global politics, both in Finland and around the world. Conservative values are popular. The willingness to submit to collective norms has diminished but taken other forms. President Sauli Niinistö ended his New Year speech by wishing Gods blessing to citizens in Finland 2016.
Nationalities and nations are on the move – the movement is larger and more global than ever before. War, religion, poverty, violent politics, oppression, terrorism and climate change are some of the reasons why people have to leave their homes.
At least two common things are similar to global life in the past and in the future – religion and education. The installation Born in Finland is built within an architectural structure and synthesis of a school and a church. It gathers icons and phrases that are common phenomena behind newborn nations. The school buildings and churches in Finland make a visual time machine of over 70 years and were usually designed by skilled architects.
The installation Born in Finland borrows the constructions of both schools and churches and is built as a synthesis of them. Inside the structure there are benches and virtual people from the past who become active via sensors when visitors step into the space. The virtual inhabitants will be sitting on the benches telling their stories, stories about going to church and to school. Some virtual inhabitants will repeat phrases while others will just be silent. The installation is in constant movement and the scene/stage is a construction of symbols and elements that are common in nationalism - positive and negative - like the Finnish flag or heraldic forms - that react when you move. The story of how
ideologies and religions are connected and have an influence to our behavior is shown visually.
The artists claims that behind Finland’s independence - as well as for sure in many other independent countries - there are features and phenomenon which have not been explored, discussed, manifested in artistic discussion or else way- this is a very challenging item and the title given by Frame for theme 2017 at Venice is large and trying embracing whole world.
Visually and artistic, buildings as the symbols of education and spiritual life. Showing the power of institutions and how the education religion are combined in the big movements in nations. When there is a try to destroy a nation the enemy destroys first the national archives, libraries, museums. For the most conflicts in the world exist because of the deep religious differs and the other reason is in lack of education and that cause poverty and ability to survive in own home country. Lack of democracy and unfair dealing of welfare.
My way, chosen aspect and installation is one way to handle and try to explain how religious and educational values and structures behind the phenomena influence to that why Finland came during last 5-7 years from peaceful welfare country to hateful, aggressive, sickness country and the Finnish government first time after independence is damaging higher education dramatically.
Why is the education, values, aims in education important to give attention in society? Finland is less independent when celebrating 100 years of independence. And why is that? The spiritual atmosphere has changed a lot, instead of taking care of everyone and not depending of you economy how you are doing at school, society – now it is common ideology that you yourself are guilty if you are poor and not succeeding at work or in life. Lots of Finnish people are pushed to poverty – and then there is solid ground for racism, fear and hate.
Also many former members of strictly religious movements, like Jehovah’s Witnesses and Laestadian, Lutheran Church, have written books of their experience of being object for brutal sexual child abuse. Today these voices are given space in public and tell how common phenomena sexual abuse is in religious movements. The fear it raises in children and youth and having influence when you grow-up. The fear that this kind of violence occurs keeps the child quiet even grown-up. That makes religious crowd kept gathered and loyal while suffering. The religious movements are effective and keep people quiet and they obey easily authority as presidents, policemen, teachers and so on.
In Finland religious movements and Lutheran church have been traditionally powerful and have had much influence in society.
In the installation the artists will examine the past – the time of war – to make the picture of independence clear. Earlier top secret military archives are opened and researchers found that independence has not been so fair to all parts dealing in the war during 1939-1945 and during the civil war 1917. Religion has been a violent part of the development. The treatment of those who did suffer during the
war has been kept silent until nowadays and some elder people who experienced war and still are alive have not been able to tell about things really were during war, what the atmosphere was at the front and at homes and why they were forgotten for years.
Independence as a word and value is awaking emotionally hard and passion feelings everywhere – Finland’s time of independence is short but rapid- the achievements in common welfare and democracy has been remarkable. How was it possible and what are the signs or what were the things that made it possible to succeed in getting Finland independent? Is Finland a good example of a democracy and a welfare country if we compare internationally?
These are questions and thoughts behind the artistic installation and the theoretical background to the project proposal. I don’t draw picture or try to make reconstruction of the past – the installation is an art piece based on those ideas and thoughts above- the artistic method is to combine theory, history, visual elements and make it into one piece to audience to experience themselves. Installation can include readymade objects but also sculptures and drawings- nowadays technology makes it possible to mix the past, real time, future into mixture. Art is the field where you can exaggerate and give place to fantasy to make the exhibition interesting to audience.
Also shortly I can describe my concept, statement, installation Born in Finland how evil is born. It is common and global phenomena- evil- that it is important to combine with the given title – because it is nowadays usually combined with borders, nationalities, color of skin, religion. What is common in global big stories is that the borders are closed because of trying to keep out those who are suffering, lacking all the welfare – and why is that – because of the extreme terrorism which been covered with religious differs, arguments.
I find it interesting to have this dilemma and thoughts as aground for interactive installation Born in Finland- I have an aspect of looking back to history and use that documentation, material available and mix it with that what is happening nowadays in independent Finland – I found connections, synopsis between the past and happenings today and I put this material together and make it into mixture, installation which is my curatorial artistic project and my very personal point of view.
Photographers will be invited to work with the artists and to be a vital part of the installation. A selection of photographers like Ari Jaskari, Jaakko Heikkilä, Risto Vuorimies, Taneli Eskola, Veli Granö, Marja Helander, Aimo Hyvärinen, Ulla Jokisalo, Ritva Kovalainen, Raakel Kuukka will participate with their material of Finnish school buildings and churches in Finland and other pictures available to use in installation.
Documents show that there were 6700 schools in function in Finland still 1960. The largest school was the Aleksis Kivi School in Helsinki where there were 30 classrooms and it still exists and functions as a school.
Why focus on schools and churches? Because they are the clear, visual symbol of how Finland grew from poverty to welfare, intellectual society. The architecture of schools and churches has influenced all of us – the buildings are still there and remind us of the efforts of the past generations and how they built our welfare. The artists do research into the religious movements and their huge influence to why the Finns became a silent, suicidal, speechless and shy people in the middle of all the welfare achieved during such a short time?
The installation will also include historic people, icons who are remembered in everyday life and discussions in Finland. Mentally they still exist. Those icons are for example the missionary priest Lars Leevi Laestadius (from Pajala, northern Sweden), president Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, composer Jean Sibelius, the volunteer organisation Lotta Svärd, the first female minister Miina Sillanpää and the diplomat, lawyer and politician Helvi Sipilä. Finland has been and still is very religious and closed country in very special way made in Finland.
During the time of independence in Finland, the most important matter that had a deep influence into people minds have been schools. Teachers were politically on the side of the White and they had a big influence on pupils during 1920- 1960.
My point of view in curatorial statement is this very emotionally and very strong mental state of people living in Finland and it has much influence to our reactions to the political life in Finland.
To our reactions to global crisis and to refugees- it is amazing how much aggression towards those who are forced to escape from their homes because of the war – I mean we cant any more think that we are living in independent country in that way we are used to think and live . This is happening everywhere in the world and concerns us all and we are all involved and we cant close the borders – we cant live in the past and we must change our attitude what is independence and what are the borders.
Installation Born in Finland is partly interactive and partly individual art project of artists invited including conversations, installation, mixed media and historical documentation from archives.
A discussion will be arranged at the Finnish Pavilion in Venice and we will invite the spiritual leaders from Finland and experts in international political movements, religious leaders, artists, and curators.
Marja Kolu curator
Artists cv
Tero Saarinen Company
Hannu Lintu
Mika Taanila
Stefan Bremer
Raakel Kuukka
Jaakko Heikkilä
Risto Vuorimies
Ari Jaskari
Marja Helander
Ulla Jokisalo
Ritva Kovalainen
Sanna Seppo
Aimo Hyvärinen
Marja Pirilä
Seppo Renvall
Markus Renvall
Veli Granö
Taneli Eskola
Curator Marja Kolu cv
Master of Arts Jyväskylä University 2013-2014
Pietarin Taideakatemia, Academy of fine Art , St Petersburg 1987-1988
Kankaanpää art school 1979-1981
Curator / producer
PROJECT NUMBER ONE KUOPIO cooperation with Kuopio Dance and music festival 1997
Curator Marja Kolu Curator Marja Kolu wanted to play with associations. She collected an exhibition that could have been in the possession of a fictitious collector of contemporary art, thus presenting a showcase of today ́s art as versatile as possible. The result was a rich exhibition of high quality; Kolu specially wanted to highlight contemporary prints and photographs. The graphic prints were large-scale series with potency, bellowing at the audience from the rugged walls of the spirits factory.The issues raised by the exhibition curated by Marja Kolu were communality in art, change in the continuum of techniques, and feeling, smelling and hearing in addition to seeing. 75 artists participated in the exhibition. Outi Pieski FIM 50 000 Riikka Lenkkeri and Päivi Häkkinen-Marko Karpow- Joonas Salusjärvi shared FIM 10 000
VÄNNER EMELLAN –YSTÄVIEN KESKEN /producer – Kuopion , Saarijärven ,Savonlinnan,Ahvenamaan taidemuseot, WTC –Stockholm, Norrtälje konsthall, Reykjavik ,Island 2001-2002 artists Marja Murminen, Kimmo Schroderus, Helena Byström, Charlotta Mickelsson, Mikael Gorlaski, Jaana Kautto, Eila Kinnunen
MUSTAA JA VALKOISTA – BLACK AND WHITE Ars libera Artists organization Kuopio, Varkaus Art museum, Lahti Taidepanimo, Stockholm, Finlandshuset, Oslo culture institute 2004- 2006
WOMEN AT WAR/ Kvinnor och Krig /producer - bildkonstprojekt kring märkesåren 1808- 1809- Västerbottens museum, Tobaksmagasinet Jakobstad, Härnösands konsmuseum Härnösand 2010
contemporary art from Finland, Russian, Sweden,exhibitions at Seinäjoki Art hall, Vaasa Art Hall,
PURNU ART CENTER summer exhibition 2014
Yksityisnäyttelyt/own exhibitions
2014 Rites of Travel /performance / Vaasan rautatieasema
2013 PORTRETTIKIOSKI-popup-yleisötaidetapahtuma Vaasa
2012 Kelluvat Puutarhat / Fiskars
2010 Tanssin Aika Jyväskylän Matkakeskus Kaikki katoaa valkoiseen 2/ Tanssi Helena Ratinen/tilateos Marja Kolu
2009 Galleria Becker
2009 Galleria Rantakasarmi Suomenlinna Helsinki
2008 HYVÄ ESINE PAHA ESINE Suomen Ortodoksinen Kirkkomuseo
2007 Lönnströmin taidemuseo Studio
2006 KUNINKAAN SININEN Galleria Becker Jyväskylä
1994 Joensuun Taidemuseo
1994 Temporales Joensuun Taidemuseon Galleria
1993 Galleria BE 19
1991 Galleria Vapauden Aukio,H:ki
1991 J:kylän taiteilijaseuran galleria
Yhteisnäyttelyt/group exhibitions
2014 Performance Rites of travel/ Reseoffren / Matkauhrit Vaasan Rautatiesaema
2014 Mahtavat menopelit / Marvellous vehicle Kuopion Taidemuseo
2014 13.10.2013-16.2.2014 Lasten Juhlat -Kajaanin taidemuseo
2013 Vaasan taiteilijaseuran vuosinäyttely Pohjanmaan museo
2009 Jyväskylän taiteilijaseuran 64 vuosinäyttely
2008 Jyväskylän taiteilijaseuran 63. näyttely Keski-Suomen Museo
2007 PURNU
2006 AIKA ENKELI Ortodoksinen Kirkkomuseo Kuopio
2005 Raakalautaa Hankasalmen asema
2003 techNOLOgy Galleria Pinachoteca Jyväskylän yliopisto
2003 Jyväskylän Taiteilijaseuran Vierailunäyttely Pieksämäen Poleenissa
2002 Avannolla Kehrääjä- Hevimetallica Kuopion Taidemuseo
2001 Suomen Tait.seuran 105. näyttely, Taidehalli Helsinki
2000 TAMPEREEN VALTAUS Lenin-museo Tampere
1998-2005 Jyväskylän Taiteilijaseuran vuosinäyttelyt
1998 RUPLA yhteisötaideteos Kuopio
1994 XL-taidemessut Turku
1993-1994 Kuopiolaista nykytaidetta Kajaanin,Kemin taidemuseot 1993,94
1992,1995 Kuopion läänin aluenäyttelyt
Kansainväliset näyttelyt/exhibitions abroad
2002 Jine Finsko-Muu Suomi Bayer& Bayer Gallery Praha
2001 Northen Postmodernism Fayerweather Gallery Virginia University
2001 Vänner Emellan, World Trade Center Tukholma
1998 Borey Art Gallery, St Petersburg
1995 Chiang Mai Social Installation CMSI,Chiang Mai Thaimaa
Kauko Sorjosen säätiö
Oulun Taidemuseo
Jyväskylän Taidemuseo
Kemin Taidemuseo
Kuopion Kaupunki
Kuopion Taidemuseo
Julkiset teokset/public works
RASTATUKKAINEN SOFFA 2008 Jyväskylän Lutakon Puisto
MOLSKIS JA PISARA,OUKS,Oulun Taidemuseo 2004
TÖPSELIT seinämosaiikki Kuopion energia 1996
KUPERKEIKKA Seinämosaiikki Vieremän koulukeskus 1992
LIP-LA-TUS seinämosiikki Sektorin Liikekeskus Kuopion Tori 1988
Pohjalainen taiteilijaliitto
Kuopion Kuvataiteilijat Ars Libera ry
Suomen Kuvanveistäjäliitto
Jyväskylän Taiteilijaseura 1999-2009
Kuvataiteen läänintaiteilija/ Regional artist in visual art 1998-2002
Mäntän kuvataideviikot kuraattori / Curator Mänttä art weeks 2001
Mustaa ja valkoista kuraattori / Black and white curator/
Kuopio kuvataiteilijat Ars libera 2004-2006
Kuvataiteen läänintaiteilija / Regional artist in visual art 2010-2013
Purnu taidekeskus kuraattori / Curator Purnu Art Center 2014
Yhteisötaide , ohjaaja, taiteellinen johtaja kuvataiteilija Marja Kolu
Palasista kokonaisuus , Palosaaren lähiötaidepaja,kooste Palosaaren torille mosaiikkilaatat 2015- 2016
Portrettikioski-muotokuvapaja Vaasan sisäsatamassa 2014
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